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What are the conditions for receiving thermal renovation aid for private homes?

As part of its energy transition strategy, France has introduced incentives for property owners. The government offers a range of financing options to support these initiatives. But what conditions need to be met to qualify for this aid for thermal renovation of private homes?

Find out about the various tips and procedures you need to follow to benefit from them. We’ll explain the eligibility criteria for these subsidies and guide you through the process of financing your renovation work.

Tableau synthétique de l’article
Section Points Clés
Les critères d’éligibilité – Nature des travaux d’isolation et amélioration énergétique.
– Logements utilisés comme résidence principale, ancienneté du logement, conditions de ressources.
Rénovation globale et engagement post-travaux – Approche de rénovation globale recommandée.
– Engagement de location après travaux pour le propriétaire bailleur.
Les aides disponibles – Aides de l’ANAH, primes des fournisseurs d’énergie, aides locales.
– Recherche et demande des aides adaptées à la situation.
Informations et accompagnement – Ressources en ligne comme et France Rénov’.
– Conseils pratiques, évaluation des travaux, accompagnement par des experts.
Date limite et cumul des aides – Dates limites pour certaines aides comme MaPrimeRénov’.
– Possibilité de cumuler différentes aides, renseignement sur les conditions spécifiques.
Conclusion – Importance de la rénovation énergétique en 2023.
– Opportunités offertes par les dispositifs financiers.

Eligibility criteria

The nature of the work

Energy renovation work, at the heart of which is insulation, encompasses improvements to walls, attics, windows, floors and other elements. The ultimate aim is to minimize heat loss from the home.

Homes concerned

Most grants are available for housing used as a principal residence, whether occupied by the landlord or the tenant. The age of the property may also be a criterion, depending on the type of assistance envisaged.

Eligible homes

Some grants, notably those from ANAH, are means-tested. Households must demonstrate that their income does not exceed a certain threshold, which varies according to household composition and region.

Comprehensive renovation

To maximize energy efficiency, a comprehensive renovation approach is often recommended. This means considering all the work required to optimize the home’s energy performance.

Post-work commitment

Once the energy renovation work has been completed, the landlord undertakes to rent out the property for a minimum period. This is generally for a period of 9 years, and to tenants who meet the required income thresholds.

Deadline and completion of work

The work must be completed within 3 years of the date of acceptance of the grant. On completion of the work, a certificate of completion must be provided to show that the work has been carried out as required.

Carrying out the work

To qualify for certain types of aid, the work must be carried out by RGE (Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement) certified professionals.

The different types of aid available

A number of grants are available to support thermal renovation work in private homes. However, it’s important to be well informed, compare offers and seek expert advice. This will ensure the success of your project. Here are the grants and schemes available for thermal renovation:

  • ANAH grants: The Agence nationale de l’habitat offers financial assistance to low-income households wishing to carry out energy renovation work.
  • Energy supplier incentives: As part of their obligations, energy suppliers offer incentives to finance renovation work.
  • Local grants: Depending on where you live, local authorities may offer specific grants. We encourage you to take advantage of local grants to complement other government subsidies.

Information and resources to support you is at your service to help you better understand the eligibility conditions for thermal renovation assistance, and our real estate experts will assist you throughout your projects. In addition, the France Rénov’ portal is an essential resource offering information and tools to help private individuals with their renovation projects. The guides and tools available on the site provide practical advice on the various stages of thermal renovation. Regional agencies are also available to provide further information and answer any questions you may have.

How to benefit

To benefit from these allowances, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Evaluating the work involved: Before taking the plunge, assess the nature and extent of the work required to improve your home’s energy performance.
  2. Search for assistance: Find out what assistance you can claim, depending on your situation.
  3. Applying for grants: Once the work has been defined, contact the relevant organizations to apply for grants.
  4. Carrying out the work: Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria, in particular by using recognized professionals.

When you take the necessary steps, you can obtain financial assistance for your energy renovation work. This may include grants, zero-interest loans or energy bonuses. If you are eligible, you could end up financing your renovations and enhancing the thermal performance of your home.

Using a condominium management software can be very beneficial for your file.

Deadline for certain types of aid

The various grants have specific closing dates that must be respected. However, proper planning of your work is crucial for making the application.

For example, MaPrimeRénov’ has a deadline of December 31, 2023 for low-income and precarious owner-occupiers. Similarly, assistance from the Agence nationale de l’habitat (Anah) can vary according to regional schemes and the type of work carried out. Make sure you respect these dates, so you don’t miss out.

Note that most grants can be combined with other existing schemes. However, find out about the specific conditions of each aid to optimize their combination.

In conclusion

By 2023, energy-efficiency renovation will be a top priority. For anyone wishing to combine economy and ecology, thermal renovation grants for private homes are an opportunity to be seized. To make the most of it, find out exactly what the criteria are for each type of aid, and don’t let this opportunity pass you by.